Detective Bureau

The Detective Bureau is staffed by 3 Detectives under the Administrative Supervision of Chief Douglas H. Biagi. The Detective Bureau consists of 1 Detective Lieutenant, 1 Detective Sergeant and 1 Detective. Detective Lieutenant Jason Rzemyk supervises and coordinates the day to day operations of the Bureau and is the Bureau's Unit Commander. Detective Lieutenant Rzemyk is also in charge of internal affairs and death investigations as well as being the liaison to the NJ Joint Terrorism Task Force.

The Bureau follows up on reported crimes as well as conducts independent investigations to apprehend criminals and solve reported crimes.  The Detective Bureau has the latest in crime scene processing tools available to them including night vision equipment, fuming chambers, casting materials, a latent fingerprint workstation, blue max fingerprint equipment as well as various powders and chemicals to be used for developing latent prints.

The Detectives utilize the New Jersey State Police Automatic Fingerprint Identification System to link fingerprints found at crime scenes to those persons who have been arrested in order to identify and prosecute those who commit crimes in Ventnor City.

The Detective Bureau, along with the Patrol Division conduct an annual Ident-a-Kid program through a cooperative effort with the Ventnor school systems. This program is an annual event, where our officers take the fingerprints of the children, place them on an Ident-a-Kit card and then send the card home with the child for the parent’s safe keeping.                      

The Detectives are also trained in specialized areas such as: Terrorism Intelligence, Counter Terrorism Measures, Advanced Interviewing, Amber Alert Protocol, Criminal Investigations, Narcotics Enforcement, Gang Identification and Intelligence, Arson Investigation, Financial Crimes, Sexual/Child Abuse, Date Rape Drugs, Fingerprint Classifications and Crime Scene Analysis, Crime Scene Photography, Hostage Negotiations and Explosives and Incendiary Devices.  The Detective Bureau was also accepted into the Magloclen Organization, which is an international law enforcement organization that provides training and an exchange of intelligence information in the area of criminal investigations. They are also part of the Atlantic County Anti-Terrorism Task Force.