Protect Natural Floodplain Functions

Much of Ventnor has been developed, and up until the past two centuries the City was entirely sand dunes and salt marsh. Beaches and marshes still exist in the City and provide valuable functions during storms and flooding events. Marshes absorb flood waters and provide buffers against wave action. Dunes provide similar functions even though they are man-made and maintained in Ventnor. Ventnor City and the State of New Jersey have created and continue to enforce rules governing the protection of these valuable natural areas.

The natural functions of the floodplain are threatened not just by development, but also by human activities outside of the floodplain. Stormwater that runs off from all parts of Ventnor drains to adjacent waterways. As a result, the City’s waterways and wetlands are vulnerable to various types of pollution that could impair their functions. Because Ventnor’s water resources are so important for the City’s economy and recreation offerings, protecting the natural aspects of the City’s floodplain are especially important.

What Can You Do?

- If you’re improving your property, consider using rain gardens or using permeable surfaces and reduce the amount of fertilizer your lawn needs
- Refrain from littering and dumping pet and yard waste into City drainpipes
- Safely dispose of hazardous materials and certified drop-off locations rather than down the drain
- When boating or travelling in the City’s waterways, be mindful of No-Wake zones and landing watercraft on marsh grass

Click here for more information about stormwater provided by the Department of Public Works